Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Demolition Man (1993) -

Demolition Man (1993)

Demolition Man
Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime, Sci-Fi

Director: Marco Brambilla

IMDB rating 6.10 / 10

Demolition Man - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: 2030s, arms, automation, automobile, beneath the city, body landing on car, bungee jump, chase, computer cracker, credits as currency, cryogenics, cryonics, death, decapitation, desert eagle, electrocution, exploding head, explosion, eye, eye gouging, eyeball, frozen body, frozen head, future shock, futuristic, helicopter, hollywood sign, kicked in the face, knife, knitting, los angeles california, male nudity, martial arts, mirror, museum, neck breaking scene, police, product placement, rehabilitation, retina scan faked, reverse footage, satire, seashell, see you in hell, shot in the chest, shot to death, social control, underground, utopia, video, violence, virtual sex, vulgarity, weapon

Taglines: The future isn't big enough for the both of them. The 21st century's most dangerous cop. The 21st century's most ruthless criminal.
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Plot: John Spartan and his nemisis Simon Phoenix are imprisoned in cryogenic stasis. While in deep freeze John's brain is filled with a love of knitting while Simon gains knowledge in computers, weapons and fighting techniques. The police force of the future is uncapable of apprehending Simon after he escapes and the department is forced to wake John. He must cut his way through the totally different world he has awoken in while at the same time trying to find and capture Simon once and for all.

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