Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Federal Protection (2002) -

Federal Protection (2002)

Federal Protection
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller

Director: Anthony Hickox

IMDB rating 4.80 / 10

Federal Protection - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: gangster, golf club, murder, new identity, sister sister relationship, swimming pool, witness protection

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Plot: "Chop Chop" Frankie Carbone (Armand Assante) has made a career out of stealing cars for the mob in Chicago. An attempted assassination by a mob boss goes badly and Frankie retaliates, only to wind up in the hands of the Feds. Frankie agrees to testify against the mobsters and his life is suddenly worthless - unless he submits to going into federal protection. The FBI gives him a new name - Howard Akers - and relocates him to a sleepy middle-class suburb in Little Rock, AR. Howard catches the attention of his lovely neighbor, Leigh (Angela Featherstone), a bored fund-raiser for a non-profit zoo whose husband, Dennis (David Lipper), is having an affair - and she knows it, but she doesn't know it's with her hot-blooded sister, Bootsie (Dina Meyer). Leigh becomes friends with the enigmatic Howard, but Dennis and Bootsie see an opportunity to earn the million-dollar bounty the mob has put on his head by turning him in to the mob.

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