Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mean Machine (2001) -

Mean Machine (2001)

Mean Machine
Genre: Comedy, Drama

Director: Barry Skolnick

IMDB rating 6.10 / 10

Mean Machine - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: betting, bleeding nose, bookie, british penal system, british soccer, cigarette smoking, coach, con artist, eyebrow, fistfight, fixed soccer match, funeral, gambling debt, goal, goalkeeper, head butt, humiliation, inmate, karate, male bonding, nosebleed, prison, prison cell, prison gang, prison guard, prison life, prison warden, pub, pub brawl, racism, referee, remake, sadistic prison guard, shower scene, soccer, soccer coach, soccer football, soccer match, soccer player, soccer star, swearing, tattoo, title spoken by character, victory

Taglines: It's Not Just About Football, It's About Pride Inside!Not Your Usual Suspects
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Plot: Disgraced ex-England captain (Danny 'Mean Machine' Meehan) is thrown in jail for assaulting two police officers. Whilst in jail, he doesn't recieve any favours because of his celebrity status in the outside world. He is out numbered and many prisoners constantly barrage him with insults for letting down his country in a crucial World Cup game. He keeps his head down and has the opportunity to forget everything and change the lives of the prisoners. These prisoners have the chance to put one over the evil guards. The prisoners are lead by Danny and the whole of the prison, guards aside, are behind them. Game on......

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